Quick Start

The commandline interface list_entry_points displays information about current accessible entry points. This includes various options for filtering and custom output layouts.

The standard default call prints a list including module names:

python setup.py list_entry_points

The option –long or -l displays the full path names of the actual filesystem location:

python setup.py list_entry_points –long
python setup.py list_entry_points:ref:-l <list_entry_points_OPTIONS_long>

The current available groups [PYPA] can be displayed by:

python setup.py list_entry_points –group=help

or with details and optional filtering:

python setup.py list_entry_points –list-groups           # group names
python setup.py list_entry_points –list-groups -l        # 1x adds commands
python setup.py list_entry_points –list-groups -l -l     # 2x adds adjusted groups
python setup.py list_entry_points –list-groups -l -l -l  # 3x adds adjusted over all groups

The current available console scripts [PYPA] could be easily listed by:

python setup.py list_entry_points --group=console_scripts
python setup.py list_entry_points --group=console_scripts -l  # displays the full path name

The layout of the output display of the data could be selected by the –layout option. Current release supports list and table, soon available are more such as JSON, XML, YAML, CSV, INI, and .properties.

python setup.py list_entry_points –layout=list
python setup.py list_entry_points –layout=list

The additional parameter defining the details of the selected layout is the option –format. The format option defines the actual seletion of the resulting display. It supports for the selction of arbitrary addressable Pyhton data nodes as supported by the namebinding package yapydata with the subpackage yapydata.datatree [yapydata].

The specified node addresses are relative to the EntryPoint objects as provided by pkg_resource interface. The address is specified as a string in common ordinary dottet path notation. The nodes may include arbitrary Python nodes such as standard data types and custom classes. These could be intermixed list indexes, dictionary keys, object attrbutes for branches with intermediate path nodes, and any type for terminal nodes as leafs.


The application examples are:

python setup.py  list_entry_points --format='name,dist.key,dist._provider.module_path' --layout=table
python setup.py  list_entry_points --format='name,dist.key,dist._provider.egg_info' --layout=table
python setup.py  list_entry_points --format='name,dist.key,dist.egg_info' --layout=table
python setup.py list_entry_points --layout=table --format=name,module_name,dist.egg_info:::fname
python setup.py list_entry_points --layout=table --format=name,module_name,dist.egg_info:::fname --long

For further details yapydata [yapydata], and the options specification see –format.

The presented order could be sorted for any valid field by the option –sort=dist.key:

python setup.py  list_entry_points –sort=dist.key --format='name,dist.key,dist._provider.module_path' --layout=table
python setup.py  list_entry_points –sort=dist.key  --format='name,dist.key,dist._provider.egg_info' --layout=table
python setup.py  list_entry_points –sort=dist.key  --format='name,dist.key,dist.egg_info' --layout=table

The scanned data from pkg_resource could be further reduced by the option –filter. The filter provides Python regular expressions to be used by the interface re.compile(), and is applied here with the re.search() interface. Therefore the nodes are converted to strings by str. The search is required, due to the possible replacements by custom __str__, which provide basically unreliable formats of node information. Thus positional regular expressions should be avoided for generic access. In case of well known nodes no restrictions exist. For detailed information refer to the option –filter.

python setup.py list_entry_points --group=console_scripts  --filter='dist.egg_info:Sphinx,module_name:quick'
python setup.py list_entry_points --group=console_scripts  --filter='dist.egg_info:Sphinx;and;module_name:quick'
python setup.py list_entry_points --group=console_scripts  --filter='dist.egg_info:Sphinx;or;module_name:quick'
python setup.py list_entry_points --group=console_scripts  --filter='or;dist.egg_info:Sphinx;module_name:quick'

The option supports access to any native member, which is one of the data bindings and thus could be addresses by attribute-access, index-access, or key-access. This includes marked private internal data, which is not reliable, but in some cases the only-and-one possibility to get the information. The following demonstrates the access to console_scripts of the groups virtualenv.

python setup.py list_entry_points --format='name,dist._ep_map.console_scripts.virtualenv' --filter='or;dist._ep_map.console_scripts.virtualenv:;'
python setup.py list_entry_points --group=virtualenv --format='name,dist._ep_map.console_scripts.virtualenv'
python setup.py list_entry_points --group=virtualenv