Source code for setuplib.__init__

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Setup helper library specific for the runtime environment of *distutils* and *setuptools*.
from __future__ import absolute_import

import os
import re
import fnmatch
import tempfile
import shutil

__author__ = 'Arno-Can Uestuensoez'
__author_email__ = ''
__license__ = "Artistic-License-2.0 + Forced-Fairplay-Constraints"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Arno-Can Uestuensoez @Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez"
__uuid__ = "239b0bf7-674a-4f53-a646-119f591af806"

__version__ = "01.01.001"

[docs]class SetuplibError(Exception): pass
[docs]def help_on_user_options(uopt, uoptions, raw=False): """Displays the standard option data as provided by the "distuitls" API variable 'user_options'. The supported format is:: user_options = [ (<user-option-long>, <user-option-short>, <user-option-description>), ... ] Args: uopt: User option:: uopt := ( <user-option-long> | <user-option-short> | #index ) user-option-long := ( <literal-no-args> | <literal-with-hyphen-no-args> # leading '--' | <literal-with-args> # trailing '=' | <literal-with-hyphen-with-args> # leading '--' and trailing '=' ) user-option-short := ( <literal-no-hyphen> | <literal-with-hyphen> # leading '--' ) index := int[0, length(user_options)) # use for development and test only, # production use is not recommended uoptions: The options definition. raw: If set to 'True', the original entry tuple is returned, else the formatted string for console display. Results: Return string reference to the defined help-string. Raises: SetupDocXError pass-through """ _uopt = re.sub(r'^[-][-]{0,1}', r'', uopt) if len(_uopt) == 1: # short-opts _uohelp = [x[2] for x in uoptions if x[1] == _uopt] else: # only options with arguments can have the 'help' argument # the long and short form too # long-opts with arguments _uohelp = [x for x in uoptions if x[0] == _uopt or (x[0][:-1] == _uopt and x[0][-1] == '=')] # if not _uohelp: # # long-opts - literally # _uohelp = [x for x in uoptions if x[0] == _uopt] if not _uohelp: # short-opts - literally _uohelp = [x for x in uoptions if x[1] == _uopt] if not _uohelp: try: # try as index - convert to int if required _uohelp = _uopt[int(uopt)] except: raise SetuplibError( "Unknonw option: " + str(uopt) ) if raw: return _uohelp return "Help on Option:\n\nlong: %s\nshort: %s\ndescription: %s\n" %( str(_uohelp[0][0]), str(_uohelp[0][1]), str(_uohelp[0][2]) )
[docs]def check_for_context_help(cmdobj, raw=False): """Scans for any requested context help, if present returns either a formatted string for console display, or the reference to the raw help entry. Args: cmdobj: The command object 'distutils.cmd.Command'. raw: If 'True' returns the raw entry. else a formatted string for console display. Returns: The help entry, either raw, or as a formatted console string. Raises: pass-through """ for o in cmdobj.user_options: _ax = re.sub(r'[-]', '_', o[0]) _ax = re.sub(r'=$', '', _ax) if hasattr(cmdobj, _ax) and getattr(cmdobj, _ax) == 'help': return help_on_user_options(o[0], cmdobj.user_options)